 & Topology
School of Mathematics

Selected Publications

Short Course

Majid Narimannejad
Visiting Fellow (European Research Grant)
TQFT and Geometry
Date: Monday, May 25, 2015
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Time: 14:00-16:00
Location: Lecture Hall 1,
Niavaran Building, IPM

In the late 1980, in his seminal work, E. Witten introduced new invariants of 3-manifolds, by quantizing Chern-Simons quantum field theory and proposed a (formal) 3-dimensional interpretation of Jones polynomial. His achievement was to fit these invariants into a larger structure, that of a 2+1 Topological Quantum Field Theory. Based on combinatorial and topological methods the first mathematically rigorous construction of these TQFT was given by Reshetikhin-Turaev using quantum groups and alternatively later by Blanchet-Habbager-Masbaum-Vogel using Kauffman bracket and HOMFLY polynomials. The Witten-Reshetikhin-Turaev TQFT provides among other things a family of representations of the mapping class group of a surface and these representations can also be rigorously constructed via Chern-Simons gauge theory or conformal field theory using geometric methods.

Semiclassical study of WRT TQFT-invariants is an important research topic in quantum topology and it has been motivated by a fundamental problem: the relation between quantum invariants and geometry and topology of 3-manifolds. The microlocal analysis techniques for geometric quantization of Kähler manifolds and the theory of Toeplitz operators provide powerful tools to study these properties by juggling between combinatorial and geometric approaches. Asymptotic faithfulness of the quantum representations of the mapping class groups, semiclassical limit of the curve operators, geometric reformulation of AJ conjecture by studying microsupport of knot states and proving Witten conjecture on asymptotics of quantum invariants for mapping tori and for an infinite family of hyperbolic manifold obtained by surgery on the figure eight knot are some examples of the results obtained by these methods.

In a series of 4 lectures we will try to give an introduction to this subject and also present some ongoing projects and questions.

  1. J.E. Andersen, Asymptotic faithfulness of the quantum SU(n) representations of the mapping class groups. Ann. Math. 163 (2006), 347–368.
  2. J. E. Andersen, K. Ueno, Construction of the Witten–Reshetikhin–Turaev TQFT from conformal field theory, To appear in Inventiones Mathematicae, arXiv:1110.5027
  3. C. Blanchet, N. Habegger, G. Masbaum, P. Vogel, Topological Quantum Field Theories derived from the Kauffman bracket, Topology 34 (1995), 883-927.
  4. G. Borot and B. Eynard, All-order asymptotics of hyperbolic knot invariants from non-perturbative topological recursion of A-polynomials, arXiv:1205.2261
  5. L. Charles, Asymptotic properties of the quantum representations of the mapping class group, Transactions of the AMS, to appear. arXiv:1005.3452
  6. L. Charles, J. Marche, Knot state asymptotics I, AJ Conjecture and abelian representations, to appear in Publications Mathématiques de l'IHES, arXiv:1107.1645
  7. L. Charles, J. Marche, Knot state asymptotics II, Witten conjecture and irreducible representations, to appear in Publications Mathématiques de l'IHES, arXiv:1107.1646
  8. M. Culler, H. Gillet, D. Cooper, Plane curves associated to character varieties of 3-manifolds, Inventiones mathematicae 118 (1994), 47-84
  9. S. Garoufalidis, T.T.Q. Le, The colored Jones function is q-holonomic, Geometry and Topology, 9 (2005), 1253-1293.
  10. D. S. Freed, Classical Chern-Simons theory, Part 1, arXiv:hep-th/9206021
  11. D. S. Freed, Remarks on Chern-Simons Theory, arXiv:0808.2507
  12. J. Marche, Geometry of representation spaces in SU(2), arXiv:1001.2408
  13. J. Marche, M. Narimannejad, Some Asymptotics of TQFT via skein theory, Duke Math. Journal. 141 (2008), 573-587.
  14. V. G. Turaev, Skein quantization of Poisson algebras of loops on surfaces, Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure 24 (1991), 635-704.

School of Mathematics,
IPM - Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences
Niavaran Building, Niavaran Square, Tehran, Iran
Tel: +98 21 222 90 928