پژوهشگاه دانش‌های بنیادی
پژوهشکدهٔ ریاضیات

Algebraic Geometry Biweekly Webinar وبینار دوهفتگی هندسه جبری

Cohomology and Motives of Moduli Spaces of Higgs Bundles and Motivic Mirror Symmetry

Simon Pepin Lehalleur  
University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands)  

Wednesday, February 28, 2024,   18:15 - 19:30

VENUE   (Online)



Higgs bundles are vector bundles equipped with an additional "twisted endomorphism". Introduced by Nigel Hitchin in a context of mathematical physics, they have turned to be central objects in differential and algebraic geometry. In particular, moduli spaces of Higgs bundles have a very rich geometry that is both related to the geometry of moduli of vector bundles but also has additional symplectic features. I will introduce these moduli spaces and discuss some of what is known about their cohomology and their motivic invariants. There has been a lot of recent progress in this direction and I will try to describe the main threads. I will conclude with a discussion of my joint work with Victoria Hoskins on a motivic version of the "cohomological mirror symmetry" conjecture of Hausel and Thaddeus for SL_n and PGL_n Higgs bundles.

Meeting ID: 9086116889
Passcode: 362880


تهران، ضلع‌ جنوبی ميدان شهيد باهنر (نياوران)، پژوهشگاه دانش‌های بنيادی، پژوهشکده رياضيات
School of Mathematics, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM), Niavaran Bldg., Niavaran Square, Tehran
ipmmath@ipm.ir   ♦   +98 21 22290928   ♦  math.ipm.ir