Azizeh Nozad

Senior Post-Doctoral Researcher
✉     anozad@ipm.ir
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PhD, University of Porto, 2016Research Field
Algebraic GeometryResearch Interests
My research lies in Algebraic and Differential Geometry, Moduli Spaces and Character Varieties. More precisely, I am interested in the study of mixed Hodge structures on character varieties and the geometry and topology of moduli spaces of Higgs bundles.
- Generating series for the E-polynomials of GL(n, C)-character varieties, Mathematische Nachrichten, (2022), (joint with C. Florentino and A. Zamora).
- Serre polynomials of SLn- and PGLn- character varieties of the free groups, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 161 (2021), (joint with C. Florentino and A. Zamora).
- On Hodge polynomials of singular character varieties, Proceedings of the 12th ISAAC congress, (2019), (joint with C. Florentino, J. Silva and A. Zamora).
- Homotopy type of moduli spaces of G-Higgs bundles and reducibility of the nilpotent cone, Bulletin des Sciences Mathèmatiques, 150 (2019), 84–101, (joint with C. Florentino and P. B. Gothen).
- Quiver bundles and wall crossing for chains, Geometriae Dedicata, 199 (1) (2019), 137–146, (joint with P. B. Gothen).
- Birationality of moduli spaces of twisted U(p,q)-Higgs bundles, Revista Matemàtica Complutense, 30 (1) (2017), 91–128, (joint with P. B. Gothen).
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