Organizing Committee:
L. L. Avramov, E. E. Enochs,
H. B. Foxby, and S. Yassemi
There will be 18 invited talks and some contributed talks as well (probably 25 minutes). If you are interested in giving a contributed talk, please indicate it on the registration form and send an abstract of your talk. The organizing committee will make the final decision on the selection of talks, but we would like especially to encourage young researchers to speak.
- Invited Lecturers
- Contributed Talks
- Participants
- Schedule of Talks
Daily News
1st issue, May 25, 2002
2nd issue, May 26, 2002
3rd issue, May 27, 2002
4th issue, May 28, 2002
5th issue, May 29, 2002
General information
There will be no registration fee for this workshop. The local committee can provide hotel reservations for the participants. Transportation services will be provided by IPM.
On the evening of the first day, there will be a reception.
Tehran is the capital city of Iran. An interesting web page concerning the region is:
Some photos of abstractions to visit in Tehran:
IPM is located in the northeast of Tehran, 1600 meters above sea level in the foothills of the Alborz Mountains.
For updated information and map, see the following links:
About IPM
A limited amount of money is available for covering accommodation expenses. If you need such support, please indicate it on the registration form.
Contact Info
M. Rahpeyma, Executive Officer of School of Mathematics
Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics (IPM)
P. O. Box 19395-5746 Tehran, Iran Tel: +98 21 2290928
Fax: +98 21 2290648 E-mail: ipmmath@ipm.ir
Other conferences
There will be four other conferences that will be taking place immediately after this one.
- The "Algebra Conference", Island of San Servolo, Venezia, Italy, June 3rd-8th, 2002.
- The "Conference on Zero-Dimensional Schemes and Related Topics" in honor of Tony Geramita on the occasion of his 60th birthday, Acireale, Italy (Sicily), June 6-8.
- The joint AMS-UMI Meeting , Pisa, Italy, June 12-16, will have several special sessions in the areas of commutative algebra and algebraic geometry.
- The "Current Trends in Commutative Algebra", Levico, Trento, Italy, June 17-21.
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Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics (IPM)
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