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Solving Unsolved problem of Magic Squares >>>






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Innovation of an Algorithm for Generating Magic Squares (4k+2)

by Danoosh Vahdat

Supervisor Porf.M.Shahshahani

Magic squares have been studied since antiquity. The earliest recorded appearance dates back to BCE 2200  in China. Babylonian mathematicians used a modification of magic squares in their arithmetical calculations. In the ninth century CE Iranian and other Moslem mathematicians used magic squares in astrology and for calculations related to horoscopes. By the fourteenth century magic squares were well-known to European scientists. A famous engraving by the German artist Albrecht D¨urer includes a magic square and is shown below.

There are well-known algorithms for generating n × n magic squares for n = 4k or an odd integer, but as far ass this writer knows no general and efficient algorithm without human intervention is known for n = 4k + 2 . In this paper we present a simple algorithm for generating magic squares for n = 4k + 2. The algorithm was also experimentally tested for integers n < 10¹². The exe-file for the algorithm is available in below.(ABS)


exe file of software for generating magic square (4k+2) [Download]

See sample result for 22×22


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