There is a
short course on:
'Stable Homological Algebra'.
lecturer is Professor Alexander
Martsinkovsky from Northeastern University,
Javad Asadollahi
(University of Isfahan and IPM)
The program of the short course is as
Wednesday, April 16, 10:30-12:00 and
14:30-15:30 Thursday, April 17, 10:30-12:00 and
To register for the short course, send an
e-mail to:
with the
subject: Stable Homological Algebra
information on accomodation please click
You can
download a pdf file containing some
necessary preliminaries for the course
Day 1 will
be devoted to detailed definitions and
properties of stable cohomology. I will start
essentially from scratch and go over the
basic tools. For dealing with complexes,
needed to start experimenting with stable
cohomology. This part will be very explicit,
what I would call "open source". The goal
here is to put emphasis on the most useful
explicit basic techniques that can be
quickly learned by graduate students not yet
familiar with the subject. How many proofs
can go into the actual presentation is not
yet clear, but whatever is left out will be
included in the notes, and those notes will
be virtually self-contained.
Day 2 will
focus on a connection between stable
cohomology and cohomology of a
non-commutative analog of coherent sheaves
on a projective variety via Koszul duality.
This is a far-reaching generalization of the
BGG correspondence and is based on my paper
with Roberto Martinez Villa. Here I will
also start from scratch, but unlike the first
part, the proofs are very technical, so
instead I will concentrate on concepts rather
than techniques. This is an open-ended
lecture, different from the first one in both
the style of presentation and its goal. Its
style will also differ a lot from the paper
- the goal here is to invite the audience
to think how to construct a very general
framework for dealing with dualities in an
axiomatic context. A large part of this
lecture will be presented on Beamer slides.
Javad Asadollahi
(University of Isfahan and IPM)

IPM-Isfahan Branch,
University of Isfahan,
Isfahan, Iran
P. O. Box: 81745-157
Phone: 0098 (311) 793 2319