پژوهشگاه دانش‌های بنیادی
پژوهشکدهٔ ریاضیات

Mathematics Colloquium سمینار عمومی ریاضیات

Boundedness Results in Algebraic Geometry through Moduli and Hodge Theory

Behrouz Taji  
The University of New South Wales Sydney  

Wednesday, January 22, 2025,   16:00 - 17:00

VENUE   Lecture Hall 1, Niavaran Bldg.



Thanks to Faltings, Arakelov and Parshin's solution to Mordell's conjecture we know that smooth complex projective curves of genus at least equal to 2 have finite number of rational points. A key input in the proof of this fundamental result is the boundedness of families of smooth projective curves of a fixed genus (greater than 1) over a fixed base scheme. The latter was generalized by the combined spectacular results of Kovacs-Lieblich and Bedulev-Viehweg to higher dimensional analogues of such curves; the so-called canonically polarized projective manifolds. In this talk I will discuss our recent extension of this boundedness result to the case of families of varieties with semiample canonical bundle (for example Calabi-Yaus). This is based on joint work with Kenneth Ascher (UC Irvine).

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تهران، ضلع‌ جنوبی ميدان شهيد باهنر (نياوران)، پژوهشگاه دانش‌های بنيادی، پژوهشکده رياضيات
School of Mathematics, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM), Niavaran Bldg., Niavaran Square, Tehran
ipmmath@ipm.ir   ♦   +98 21 22290928   ♦  math.ipm.ir