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IPM - School of Mathematics

Papers of School of Mathematics

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    81. B. Tayfeh-Rezaie (Joint with H. Kharaghani and Sh. Suda),
    Disjoint weighing matrices,
    J. Algebraic Combin. (to appear) [abstract]   
    82. Y. Azimi and M. R. Doustimehr,
    The zero-divisor graph of an amalgamated algebra,
    Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo (to appear) [abstract]   
    83. F. Shafiei (Joint with M. R. Darafsheh and F. Shirjian),
    Rational nearly simple groups,
    Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. (to appear) [abstract]   
    84. E. Eftekhary,
    Correction to the article: Floer homology and splicing knot complements,
    Algebraic and Geometric Topology (to appear) [abstract]   
    85. E. Eftekhary,
    On sign assignments in link Floer homology,
    Mich. Math. J. (to appear) [abstract]   
    86. E. Eftekhary (Joint with A. Alishahi),
    Knot Floer homology and the unknotting number,
    Geometry and Topology (to appear) [abstract]   
    87. J. Asadollahi and R. Hafezi (Joint with T. Dehghanpour),
    On the Gorenstein defect categories,
    J. Commut. Algebra (to appear) [abstract]   
    88. M. Nemati (Joint with M. Rajaei Rizi),
    Ideals of the quantum group algebra, Arens regularity and weakly compact multipliers,
    Canad. Math. Bull. (to appear) [abstract]   
    89. S. Saeedi Madani and D. Kiani,
    Induced matchings in strongly biconvex graphs and some algebraic applications,
    Math. Nachr. (to appear) [abstract]   
    90. S. Saeedi Madani and D. Kiani (Joint with M. Rouzbahani Malayeri),
    Binomial edge ideals of small depth,
    J. Algebra (to appear) [abstract]   

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