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IPM - School of Mathematics

Papers of School of Mathematics

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    1291. R. Nasr-Isfahani and M. Nemati,
    Character pseudo-amenability of Banach algebras,
    Colloq. Math. (to appear) [abstract]   
    1292. R. Nasr-Isfahani and M. Nemati (Joint with E. Ghaderi),
    Some notions of amenability for certain products of Banach algebras,
    Colloq. Math. 130(2013), 147-157  [abstract]   
    1293. R. Nasr-Isfahani and M. Nemati (Joint with Sh. Desaulniers),
    Common fixed point properties and amenability of a class of Banach algebras,
    J. Math. Anal. Appl. 402(2013), 536-544  [abstract]   
    1294. M. Fakhar (Joint with S. Eshraghinezhad),
    Some generalizations of Ekeland's variational principle with applications to fixed point theory,
    Math. Comput. Model 57(2013), 1250-1258  [abstract]   
    1295. Sh. Heidarkhani (Joint with G. A. Afrouzi and A. Hadjan),
    Infinitely many solutions for a mixed doubly eigenvalue boundary value problem,
    Mediterr. J. Math. 10(2013), 1317-1331  [abstract]   
    1296. Sh. Heidarkhani (Joint with J. R. Graef and L. Kong),
    Multiple solutions for systems of multi-point boundary value problems,
    Opuscula Math. 33(2013), 293-306  [abstract]   
    1297. Sh. Heidarkhani (Joint with G.A. Afrouzi and A. Hadjian),
    Non-trivial solutions for a two-point boundary value problem,
    Ann. Polonici Math. 108(2013), 75-84  [abstract]   
    1298. G. R. Omidi (Joint with H. Chuang, H.-J. Lai, K. Wang, and N. Zakeri),
    On group choosability of graphs, II,
    Graphs Combin. (to appear) [abstract]   
    1299. G. R. Omidi and Gh. Raeisi (Joint with L. Maherani and M. Shahsiah),
    The Ramsey number of loose paths in 3-uniform hypergraphs,
    Electron. J. Combin. 20(2013), #12  [abstract]   
    1300. G.R. Omidi (Joint with E. R. van Dam),
    Strongly walk-regular graphs,
    J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 120(2013), 803-810  [abstract]   

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