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IPM - School of Mathematics

Papers of School of Mathematics

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    861. A. Rahimi,
    Sequentally Cohen-Macaulayness of bigraded modules,
    Rocky Mountain J. Math. (to appear) [abstract]   
    862. A. Rahimi (Joint with L. Parsaei Majd),
    On the structure of sequentially Cohen-Macaulay bigraded modules,
    Czechoslovak Math. J. (to appear) [abstract]   
    863. M. Saeedghalati and A. Abbasian,
    Modelling spatio-temporal dynamics of network damage and network recovery,
    Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience (2015), DOI: 10.3389/fncom.2015.00130  [abstract]   
    864. A. Abbasian (Joint with Z. Nasiriavanaki, M. ArianNik, E. Mahmoudi, N. Roufigari, S. Shahzadi, M. Nasiriavanaki, and B. Bahrami),
    Prediction of individual differences in risky behavior in young adults via variations in local brain structure,
    Frontiers in Neuroscience (2015), DOI: 10.3389/fnins.2015.00359  [abstract]   
    865. O. Ahmadi (Joint with G. McGuire and A. Rojas-Leon),
    Decomposing Jacobians of curves over finite fields in the absence of algebraic structure,
    J. Number Theory 156(2015), 414-431  [abstract]   
    866. A. Kamalinejad,
    On the geometrization of the absolute Galois group,
    Journal of Mathematical Sciences 209(2015), 265-274  [abstract]   
    867. A. Hosseini,
    A non-penalty recurrent neural network for solving a class of constrained optimization problems,
    Neural Networks (to appear) [abstract]   
    868. M. Kamrani,
    Convergence of a numerical scheme for SPDEs with correlated noise and global Lipschitz coefficients,
    Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences (to appear) [abstract]   
    869. M. Nemati,
    On ϕ-ergodic property of Banach modules,
    Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. (to appear) [abstract]   
    870. Behr . Khosravi (Joint with Behn. Khosravi and Bahm. Khosravi),
    A new characterization for some extensions of PSL(2, p) by order and some character degrees,
    Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie (to appear) [abstract]   

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