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2041. A. Ranjbar-Motlagh,
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Differential Geom. Appl. 6(1996), 169-180  [abstract]    MR 97f:20046
2042. M. Lashkarizadeh Bami,
301 Moved Permanently

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Semigroup Forum 52(1996), 389-392  [abstract]    MR 97c:22002
2043. M. Lashkarizadeh Bami,
301 Moved Permanently

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Math. Nachr. 181(1996), 73-80  [abstract]    MR 98b:43010
2044. G. B. Khosrovshahi and H. Yousefi-Azari,
301 Moved Permanently

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J. Combin. Inform. System Sci. 21(1996), 1-4  [abstract]    MR 1736599
2045. H. Kharaghani,
301 Moved Permanently

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J. Combin. Des. 4(1996), 389-395  [abstract]    MR 97g:05043
2046. S. M. B. Kashani,
301 Moved Permanently

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Algebras Groups Geom. 13(1996), 81-91  [abstract]    MR 98e:53094
2047. B. Kalantari and G. B. Khosrovshahi,
301 Moved Permanently

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Networks 28(1996), 211-219  [abstract]    MR 97j:05050
2048. A. Haghany,
301 Moved Permanently

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Period. Math. Hungar. 32(1996), 193-197  [abstract]    MR 97e:16010
2049. H. Hadji-Abadi and M. M. Zahedi,
301 Moved Permanently

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Fuzzy Sets and Systems 77(1996), 235-240  [abstract]    MR 96k:13005
2050. M. R. Darafsheh,
301 Moved Permanently

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J. Algebra 181(1996), 196-206  [abstract]    MR 97b:20012

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