Hadamard matrices of order 32

For details, please take a look at

H. Kharaghani and B. Tayfeh-Rezaie, On the classification of Hadamard matrices of order 32, J. Combin. Des., 18
(2010), 328–336.

H. Kharaghani and B. Tayfeh-Rezaie, Hadamard matrices of order 32. (pdf)


Type 0

Type 0 in one file (13680757 matrices)

Case by case: Case 0, Case 1, Case 2, Case 3, Case 4, Case 5, Case 6, Case 7, Case 8, Case 9, Case 10,
Case 11, Case 12, Case 13, Case 14, Case 15, Case 16, Case 17, Case 18, Case 19, Case 20,
Case 21, Case 22, Case 23, Case 24, Case 25, Case 26, Case 27, Case 28, Case 29, Case 30.


Other Types

Type 1 (26369 matrices, extracted from the list of type 0 matrices.)

Type 2 with the transpose of type 0 (1422 matrices, extracted from the list of type 0 matrices.)

Type 2 with the transpose of type 2 (1478 matrices)

Type 3 (one matrix)


The total number of  Hadamard matrices of order 32 = 13710027


Note: The matrices are retained in the hexadecimal format, i.e. the strings of four subsequent entries in each matrix are encoded with
hexadecimal digits. For example 0 and F represent -1 -1 -1 -1 and 1 1 1 1, respectively.