Contact and Information


If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact the organizing committee via the following address and emails:

School of Mathematics, IPM
Niavaran Square, Niavaran Street,
P.O. Box: 19395-5746
Tehran, Iran

E-mail: logic [AT] ipm [DOT] ir

All contacts should be via emails, only in emergency case the following numbers can be used:

Tel: (+98) 21 22290928
Fax: (+98) 21 22290648


Lecture Hall

The workshop will be held at Niavaran building Lecture Hall. There are 3 white boards but no black boards. We will prepare a laptop PC. You can use your own PC / our PC / Overhead projector for your lecture.


How to Reach IPM from the Airport

• Upon arrival the most convenient way to reach IPM is to take a taxi at the airport directly to IPM.
• Please show the address to the driver. The address may be found here.
• The taxi fare is about 500,000 Rls. (from Mehrabad Airport)
• The taxi fare is about 700,000 Rls. (from Imam Khomeini Airport)
   Don't forget to ask for a receipt.
• Make sure to take the official airport taxies which have representatives in the airport.

Important Notes

• You may find banks to exchange major currencies at the Airport.
An approximate currency exchange rate is 1US$~33000 Rials and 1€~38000 Rials.
• Please note that standard credit cards; e.g., Visa, Master or AmEXP, cannot be used in Iran.
• Do not forget to declare your foreign currency of more than 5000 dollars before leaving the customs area.
• Exchanging currencies  other  than US dollars or  Euros is not usually easy. So, please  remember to carry your money in these two currencies.
• Note that in  Iran  the beginning of  the weeks  is Saturday, and Friday  is the official holiday. Thursdays many governmental offices are closed.
• You would have internet connection at the IPM Guest House. You can use your laptop at your room and connect to Internet via wireless or use our PCs at the lobby of the guest house.


Electrical Appliance

• The electricity supply in Iran works at 220 V and 50 Hz. There are European standard sockets.