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CIMPA-UNESCO-IRAN School on Recent Topics in
Geometric Analysis |
Confirmed Speakers:
Gilles Carron,
University of
Nantes, France
Bruno Colbois,
University of
Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Thierry Coulhon,
University of
Cergy-Pontoise, France
Daneshgar, Sharif University of
Technology, Iran
Eaman Eftekhary, Harvard
University, USA
Ahmad El Soufi,
University of
Tours, France
Michel Jambu, University of Nice
and CIMPA, France
Hossein Movasati, Ochanomizu
University, Japan
Alisher Muminov, Institute of
Applied Physics, Uzbekistan
Frank Pacard,
University of Paris XII, France
Alireza Ranjbar-Motlagh, Sharif
University of Technology, Iran
Mehrdad Shahshahani, IPM, Iran
Ashot Shahverdyan, Joint
Institute for Nuclear Research,
Zafar Turakulov, Institute of
Nuclear Physics, Uzbekistan
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