  Main Speakers
  Conference Program
  Title of Lectures
  Registered People



The following is the list of invited and contributed talks.

Invited Talks

Peyman Afshani

Title : Data Structure Lower Bounds


Omid Etesami

Title: The value of help bits


Luis Goddyn

Title: Parity Trackles on Surfaces


Hossein Hajiabolhassan

Chromatic Number Via Tur\'an Number


Jack Koolen

Title: On a structure theory for graphs with smallest eigenvalue $-3$


Reza Naserasr

Title: Homomorphisms of signed bipartite graphs,


Gholamreza Omidi

Title: A spectral excess theorem for normal digraphs


Edwin van Dam

Title: Almost distance-regular graphs and walk-regularity


Contributed Talks 

Alireza Abdollahi

Title: Groups all of whose undirected Cayley graphs are determined by their spectra 


Saeid Alikhani

Title: On the $k$-dominating graph of specific graphs


 Afshin Behmaram

Title: Induced Matching and Edge roman domination in regular graphs 


 Ameneh Farhadian

Title: Optical computing: One step towards solving the NP problem in practice  


Florent Foucaud

Title: Location-domination and metric dimension of interval and permutation graphs


Hamid Reza Golmohammadi

Title: $(k, k’, k’’)$-Domination in graphs


Moharram N. Iradmusa

Title: Permutation Representation of graphs 


Mehdi Kadivar

Title: Finding the arc- and non arc- disjoint paths in networks 


Ghaffar Raeisi

Title: A new class of $(k,6)$-graphs with applications in Ramsey theory 


 Maryam Shahsiah

 Title: Ramsey numbers of loose cycles in uniform hypergraphs 


Hossein Teimoori Faal

Title: Lyndon Covers and A Multivariate generalization of the Coin Arrangements Lemma 


Hossein Yekani

Title: Uniform Matroidal Codes 


Manouchehr Zaker

Title: On degenerate degree sequence of graphs and its applications