Nairian Models
Grigor SargsyanInstitute of Mathematics of Polish Academy of Sciences
Non-standard Fibonacci Numbers
Ali ValizadehUniversity of Isfahan
Nisan-Wigderson Generators in Proof Complexity New LowerBounds
Erfan KhanikiUniversity of Oxford
Model Theory of Tame Classes of Finite Structures
Anuj DawarUniversity of Cambridge
Large Cardinals Beyond HOD
Joan BagariaUniversity of Barcelona
On Provability Logic of Heyting Arithmetic
Mojtaba MojtahediGhent University
The discontinuity problem
Vasco BrattkaBundeswehr University Munich
Scott Models for Probabilistic Computation
Abbas EdalatImperial College London
The discontinuity problem
Vasco BrattkaBundeswehr University Munich
The combinatorics of higher derived limits
Jeffrey BergfalkUniversitat de Barcelona
Bounding nonminimality
Rahim MoosaUniversity of Waterloo
Forcing a Club by a Generalized Fast Function
Tadatoshi MiyamotoNanzan University
Monadic dividing lines and hereditary classes
Sam BraunfeldCarles University
Strong minimal sets in differentially closed fields--equations of Poizat and Lienard type
David MarkerUniversity of Illinois at Chicago
Corona rigidity
Iljias FarahYork University
Algebraic Constructions in Models of Peano Arithmetic and its Weak Fragments
Paola D'AquinoUniversità della Campania
Semantics of Boolean-valued models and their connection and application to the standard
Asgar JamneshanKoc University
Strong tree properties, the Kurepa hypothesis, and the continuum
Chris Lambie-HansonCzech Academy of Sciences
Properly ergodic structures
Alex KruckmanWesleyan University
MS-measurability via coordination
Mostafa MirabiWesleyan University
Large fields with stable and simple theories
Anand PillayUniversity of Notre Dame
On the reconstruction of non $\aleph_0$-categorical theories, and some remarks on witnesses in continuous logic
Itaï Ben YaacovUniversité Claude Bernard - Lyon 1, Institut Camille Jordan
Short introduction to H-minimality
Hamed KhalilianHeinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Finite support iteration and small models
Martin GoldsternVienna University of Technology
Partitions of well-founded trees and three connections with model theory
Andrés VillavecesUniversidad Nacional de Colombia
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A definable Hamel basis without choice
Ralf SchindlerUniversität Münster
Pseudofiniteness and measurability of the everywhere infinite forest
Darío GarcíaUniversidad de los Andes
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The Herwig--Lascar property of groups, ultraextensive structures and Vershik's conjecture
Mahmood Etedadi AliabadiUniversity of North Texas
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Universal theories and compactly expandable models
Enrique CasanovasUniversity of Barcelona
Linearisation in finite-dimensional theories
Frank WagnerUniversité Claude Bernard Lyon 1
Fraisse limits of categories of C*-algebras
Saeed GhasemiCzech Academy of Sciences
Generalized descriptive set theory under I0
Vincenzo DimonteUniversity of Udine
In search of higher forcing axioms; A Supplement to Veličković's talk
Rahman MohammadpourVienna University of Technology
In search of higher forcing axioms
Boban VeličkovićUniversity of Paris
Model Theory of Adeles
Jamshid DerakhshanUniversity of Oxford
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Cardinalities of Definable Sets in finite Structures
Dugald MacphersonUniversity of Leeds
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Purity and Model Theory of Modules
Mike PrestUniversity of Manchester
Dynamic Topological Logic
David Fernández-DuqueGhent University
Lecture 1 Download Slides (With some corrections of typos)
Lecture 2 Download Slides (With some corrections of typos)
Group Topologies on Automorphism Groups of First Order Structure
Zaniar GhadernezhadImperial college London
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An invitation to topos-theoretic model theory
Olivia CaramelloUniversity of Insurbia and IHÉS
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